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9 common foods to avoid during humidity and why

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Come monsoon and along with soothing drizzle, it brings in acute humidity that often makes us lethargic and even sick. Loss of body water, weakness, and sluggishness are some of the common problems we face during this time of the year. It happens because of the science of precipitation, where there is an increase in the amount of water vapour in the air, contributing to higher humidity levels. As rainwater falls, it starts to evaporate from surfaces like soil, water bodies, and vegetation. This evaporation process adds more moisture to the air, further raising humidity levels. The question of concern is how to feel good? As per food experts, change in dietary habits can help balance the body's reaction to this climatic change, which can further help avoid sickness. Take a look at 9 common foods one can avoid during humidity and how it can help boost your overall immune system and metabolism.

Fried Foods: Fried foods are proven to be heavy and greasy, which can increase the feeling of discomfort and lethargy during high humidity. They can also lead to digestive issues and make you feel sluggish.

Dairy Products: Dairy products are also said to cause bloating and digestive problems, which are exacerbated by the increased moisture in the air. They can also promote mucus production, potentially leading to respiratory discomfort.

Also Read: 6 dehydrating foods to avoid in summers

Sugary Snacks: As per experts, foods high in sugar can lead to dehydration as they cause an increase in urine output. Also, sugar can spike blood sugar levels and contribute to fatigue and mood swings.

Salty Food: As per health experts, excessive salt intake can lead to water retention, causing bloating and discomfort. It can also exacerbate high blood pressure and dehydration in humid conditions.

Heavy Meats: Red meat and processed meats are harder to digest and can increase the body's internal heat, making you feel more uncomfortable in humid weather.

S picy Foods: Spicy foods are proven to raise your body temperature and induce sweating, which can be uncomfortable and lead to increased dehydration in humid conditions.

Refined Carbohydrates: Foods like white bread and pastries can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, leading to energy crashes and dehydration, especially in humid weather.

Caffeine: As per studies, caffeine is a diuretic, which can increase dehydration. In high humidity, this can be particularly problematic as it may exacerbate feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Alcohol: Alcohol is a diuretic and can lead to dehydration. In humid conditions, this can intensify feelings of discomfort, dehydration, and heat-related issues.

Thumb and Embed Images Courtesy: istock
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