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5 WWE Superstars who never wanted to make a career in pro-wrestling

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Today, WWE is filled with superstars who are well known throughout every corner of the world. Stars like, Randy Orton , John Cena , Roman Reigns and The Rock are among the most decorated and famous wrestlers we have ever seen grace a ring. However, despite their status as one of the best wrestlers to ever do it, they didn’t start out dreaming of being in the WWE.

In fact, there are many stars currently setting the WWE on fire who did not want to become wrestlers during their formative years. Today, we’ll be looking at five WWE Superstars who never wanted to make a career in professional wrestling .
Here are five WWE Superstars who never wanted to make a career in pro-wrestling 1) The Rock
Apart from being one of the most famous actors and wrestlers alive, Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson, actually didn’t start off with dreams of making it to the WWE. This is shocking considering The Rock was one of the first 3rd generation stars to grace this sport. Back when Dwayne Johnson was still in high school, he was a high-profile athlete. His ability on the football pitch convinced many, including The Rock himself, that he would make it to the NFL.

After leaving school, Dwayne played football for the University of Miami. He had all the tools to make a name for himself, but injuries cut Dwyane’s footballing career short. He had a stint in the Canadian Football League before he turned to wrestling and made his debut in 1996. The rest is history.

2) Randy Orton
Randy Orton is yet another third-generation superstar who had no intentions of being in the WWE. Starting at a young age, Orton was a rebel, he played a lot of sports but was never able to get good enough to be offered a sports scholarship. Lagging in academics and not being able to make an impact as an athlete, Orton decided to enlist in the Marine Corps.

However, joining the Marines right after high school might not have been such a bright idea, as Orton was discharged in 1999. This was a major turning point in Randy’s life, as he had to work at a gas station after his discharge just to get by. Running out of time and options, Orton approached his father, who was an industry insider, and asked him to get him a shot in the WWE.

He began training and was put on a $250-per-week contract, as revealed by the man himself on the Kurt Angle show. He made his debut in 2002, and 22 years later, Orton has now become a WWE legend. If Orton had not been discharged from the Marine Corps, the world might’ve missed out on one of the best in-ring performers the WWE has ever seen.
3) Brock Lesnar
Despite being The Beast Incarnate himself, Brock Lesnar never had any dreams of being in the WWE. In fact, growing up, Brock never even watched WWE and was far away from it. After high school, Lesnar went on to attend college at Bismarck State and tore the wrestling scene apart with his incredible strength and build. However, even after all of this, Brock didn’t want to become a WWE wrestler.

His only dream was to win the NCAA Heavyweight championship, and once he achieved that, Lesnar could either go and become a professional football player or he could go to the WWE. He revealed to ESPN that WWE had offered him guaranteed money. As a young athlete who had student loans, Lesnar could not say no to the deal being offered to him. He went on to make his debut in 2002 and went on to defeat The Rock to become the youngest Champ in WWE history.

All these years later, he’s gone and conquered the UFC, only to return to the WWE and tear things up again. For someone who avoided the WWE growing up, Brock sure has done amazingly well for himself.
4) John Cena
When we talk about the greatest WWE wrestlers of all time, an argument can definitely be made for John Cena. However, the WWE’s greatest babyface wanted to be a bodybuilder before he ever got into the ring. Cena started to lift weights and buff himself up. After school, Cena went to Springfield College and graduated with an exercise physiology degree in 1998.

It wasn’t until Cena moved to California that he was encouraged to take wrestling classes, thanks to his bulky body. After completing college and spending a few years biding his time, Cena finally made his professional wrestling debut in the year 2000. It was a two-year struggle for Cena, but he eventually caught the public eye and was called up to the WWE in 2002.

From wanting to be a bodybuilder to struggling in the Ultimate Pro Wrestling, to now being one of the best to ever do it. At a single glance, it is safe to say that things worked out in Cena’s favor.
5) Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns’ arrival in the WWE is a story full of broken dreams. Reigns was a famous athlete during his time in high school and was regarded as one of the top football players in his class. His skills earned him a college scholarship, and from there, it didn’t take Roman long to make it to the NFL. He was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in 2007 but was released after being diagnosed with Leukemia.

Reigns’ tried his best to persist and make a career in the NFL, however, all his attempts were in vain. After crashing out of the NFL, Reigns paid a visit to the Canadian Football League, but even that didn’t work out for him. At 22, Reigns found himself without any options. He has previously stated that this time in his life made him feel that everything was falling apart.

After his dreams of playing professional football came to an end, Reigns tried his luck in the WWE. Roman is now a six-time world champion, and the WWE eagerly awaits his return. He is a legend of the game and a guaranteed future Hall of Famer.

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