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Air pollution increases the risk of brain stroke

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A recent report has stated that the risk of brain stroke is increasing due to air pollution. The study says that the subarachnoid present in air pollution can cause bleeding inside the brain, which increases the risk of brain stroke. This research involved an international team of scientists from India, America, New Zealand, Brazil and UAE. According to the report, the risk of brain stroke due to air pollution has increased by 14 percent, which not only increases the risk of death but also disability.

Brain stroke cases in India: Cases of brain stroke are increasing rapidly among the youth in India. Its cases have increased by 25 percent in the last 5 years. Most cases are being seen in people aged 25 to 40 years. The main reason behind this is poor lifestyle, eating habits, smoking and stressful life, due to which the risk of diseases like high BP and diabetes increases.

Effect of diet and lifestyle: Brain stroke is not just a problem; it also points towards sugar and high BP. Apart from this, genetic diseases like sleeping disorders, heart diseases, and stress have also become common among people nowadays. The lifestyle of the young generation has changed a lot; working people work sitting in one place for a long time, and those who work from home also sit for a long time. This has a negative effect on the heart and brain.

Increasing risk of neurological diseases in India: The percentage of neurological problems in total diseases in India is more than 10 percent. The risk of diseases is also increasing with increasing age. According to the report, more than 1 lakh 85 thousand cases of brain stroke are reported every year in India. In this, a new case is reported every 40 seconds and every minute one person dies due to brain stroke.

Safety measures: Some precautions must be taken to avoid brain stroke:

Avoid head injuries: Be careful while playing and doing daily chores. Eat a healthy diet: Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Stay away from smoking: Smoking is injurious to health, quit it. Stress management: Reduce mental stress with yoga and meditation. Exercise regularly: Take out some time every day for exercise, so that your weight and BP remain under control.

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