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Malaika Arora Fitness: Practice these yogasanas to look young at the age of 50 like Malaika Arora

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Most Indian housewives start looking older than their age. This is not only because of their clothes or looks, but they also look older physically. On the other hand, actresses seen in films and TV look 30 even at the age of 50. The biggest example of this can be considered Malaika Arora and Shilpa Shetty. Both actresses are around 50 years old. But it is very difficult to guess their age by looking at them.

By adopting a good diet, workout, and good lifestyle, Malaika Arora looks young even at this age. At the age when a woman's body feels tired, Malaika shows great dance moves. Her face glow, toned body, and energy look like a young girl. The reason for this is not makeup or outfit, but her fitness routine.

To look young at the age of 50 like Malaika, one needs to be physically active. The actress is often seen in gym wear. She practices yoga regularly. If you are also in the age group of 40 to 50 years and want to look like a young woman of 20 to 30 years like Malaika Arora, then practice some yoga asanas, which Malaika Arora practices regularly.


Malaika Arora practices Bhujangasana. This asana helps keep the posture correct. Along with this, it is considered very beneficial for the back, waist, and shoulders. The fat accumulated in the stomach is reduced, as well as the spine becomes strong.

To practice Bhujangasana, lie down on the mat on the stomach and bring the palms in line with the shoulders. Reduce the distance between both legs and keep the legs straight. Lift the chest while taking a long breath. Stay in this posture for a few seconds and come back to a normal position while exhaling. You can repeat this yogasana 4-5 times.


There are many benefits of practicing Gomukhasana. It tones the body and can relieve back pain. Sit in Sukhasana posture and move the legs forward. Bend the left leg and pull it close to the body. Lift the right knee and rest the left leg under the right thigh. While resting the left hand on the back, raise the right hand take it over the shoulder, and rest it on the back. During this, the palm of the right hand should be resting on the spine. Try to hold both hands together behind the back. Take the right hand behind the head. Keep the head and spine straight. Close the eyes and stay in this posture for two minutes.



Its regular practice helps in improving the breathing pattern. Matsyasana is the most useful yogasana to overcome respiratory problems. Apart from this, Matsyasana can also be practiced regularly to relieve stress from the shoulders and neck muscles by stretching the chest and neck muscles.

Marichyasana Yoga
With increasing age, complaints of back pain also start increasing. Malaika Arora practices Marichyasana, which relieves back pain. Also, the mind remains calm and there is no stress.

(PC: Instagram)

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