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Diabetes Diet: Should diabetes patients eat rice or not? We found out

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Diabetes is a serious health problem that can be a risk at any age. This disease of high blood sugar can cause serious damage to many important organs of the body. Diabetes patients have a higher risk of heart disease, loss of vision, and kidney disease. This is why health experts advise all people to regularly take measures to prevent diabetes and keep blood sugar levels under control.

Sugar levels can be prevented from increasing by maintaining a proper routine and diet. Choosing the right diet plays an important role in diabetes. Be sure to consult an expert about what you should eat and what not.

Diabetes patients often have this question in their mind whether they should eat rice or not. Does rice increase blood sugar? Let's understand this.

Calories and carbohydrates in white rice
Dietary reports show that 20% of the calorie intake worldwide is through rice. In which most people consume white rice. Dieticians say that white rice is rich in calories and carbohydrates. One cup of rice can contain about 200-240 calories and 45-50 grams of carbohydrates. Although we need both calories and carbohydrates for physical strength, it can also have many disadvantages.

Should rice be eaten in type 2 diabetes or not?

Current dietary guidelines say that diabetics should reduce their intake of white rice and other refined carbohydrates and include high-fiber and low glycemic-index foods in the diet.

In a study published in the journal Diabetes Care, researchers have advised keeping the amount of white rice in the daily diet low and filling your plate with a variety of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

What did the study find?

Another study in the year 2021 found that participants who consumed brown rice instead of white rice lost weight and also improved their good (HDL) cholesterol levels.


However, the most important thing is that most studies do not prove that eating white rice increases the risk of diabetes. However, there is a consensus that eating whole grains can reduce this risk.

Should rice be eaten or not?

Based on studies, dieticians say that if there is a sufficient amount of whole grains, fiber, fruits, and vegetables along with rice in the food, then the risk of increasing sugar is reduced. However, you must consult your doctor about whether you should eat rice for diabetes or not.

To control sugar, one should eat less calorie and carbohydrate foods. White rice has an excess of both. Many researchers consider the consumption of brown rice more beneficial than white rice.

(PC: Freepik)

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