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10 years of medication and an 8kg lump in the stomach! Did this woman know this horrifying truth?

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In Kota, an 8 kg lump was removed from the stomach of a woman, which even surprised the doctors. The woman was taking medicines for conceiving a child for 10 years, due to which this serious condition arose. Now she is completely healthy, but will never be able to become a mother.

Kota. A 35-year-old woman underwent a complicated operation at JK Lon Hospital in Kota, Rajasthan, in which an 8 kg lump was removed from her stomach. This case shocked everyone, because the woman's family thought that she was in trouble due to obesity.

She was taking medicine for her child for 10 years

Dr. Nirmala, working in the gynecology and obstetrics department, said that concerns had increased regarding the woman's health condition. When the woman was brought to the hospital, the doctors carefully studied her medical history. Then it was found that the woman was childless for many years. She got married in the year 2007 and from 2008 to 2018, she had continuously taken medicines to conceive a child.

Was upset due to flatulence

For the last few days, his stomach was bloating continuously. There was constant pain in the stomach. When the family went to the doctor, the doctor did a sonography. Something strange was seen in the sonography. Later, when the operation was done, it was found that there was a tumor weighing 8 kg in the stomach. It was filled with about 4 liters of liquid. It was taken out immediately.

The risk of cancer was increased

There was a possibility of cancer in the stomach. Therefore, the uterus and both ovaries were also removed. The doctor said that after knowing the patient's history, it was found that she had been taking medicines for conceiving a child for the last 10 years. The major reason for the reaction to the medicines has come to light.

Now this woman will never be able to become a mother

At present, she is completely healthy, but now she will never be able to become a mother. On Thursday, the patient was operated continuously for about 2 hours and now she has been shifted to the general ward. The doctor said that she will be discharged soon. This kind of unique case has come to JK Lone Hospital for the first time.

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