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Most people use phones in the bathroom: 5 good and bad facts about it

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Spending time in the bathroom longer than required has become more of a norm than the exception. One wouldn't normally imagine a restroom as a place for recreation, but with the advent of smartphones , many people spend extra time scrolling through social media platforms on the porcelain throne. This could be a double-edged sword as the practice could be somewhat beneficial for your mental health , but may be problematic for physical health, leading to worrying health problems .

Why people are taking phones to bathrooms: Understanding the trend
As per a study conducted by NordVPN, 61.6 percent of participants admitted to taking their phones to the washroom to access social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Around 33.9 percent of respondents used smartphones in the bathroom to get updated with current affairs. Almost 24.5 percent of participants said that they use the phone in the washroom to message or even call.

Good and bad facts about using phones in the bathroom
According to health experts, there are no benefits of using the phone in the washroom as it exposes one to dangerous bacteria and prolonged sitting on the throne can lead to constipation . However, it could help some people beat stress.

Helps beat stressWhile one should try to find other ways for recreation, some people may lower their stress levels by taking their phones to bathroom. However, there's a heavy cost to pay for this habit due to the following reasons.

Sitting for a long time can lead to hemorrhoids. Prolonged sitting on the toilet can lead to increased pressure on the veins in the anorectal area due to the way the body is positioned. Since the thighs are supported by the seat while the central area, including the rectum, is left hanging slightly lower, gravity causes the tissues in that region to droop. This can lead to consistent pressure on the veins, even without strain. Over time, this pressure can lead to hemorrhoids or other venous problems in the rectal area.

When you are sitting for a longer time on the bathroom throne, your body may stop sending signals regarding impending bowel movements. Also known as peristalsis, the progressive contractions helps move stool through the intestine to the rectum. When you sit longer than required without doing anything, it can hinder the process.

The bathroom is full of antibiotic-resistant pathogens that can cause worrying infections. In the process of accessing your smartphone, you may touch the bathroom surfaces and transfer the harmful viruses and bacteria to your phone screen, which could cause troublesome health issues.

Ideal duration

The ideal duration to sit on the throne should not exceed 5-10 minutes.

How to clean your phone

It is important to sanitise your phones regularly irrespective of whether you are using it in the bathroom or not. The US Federal Communications Commission recommends sanitizing your phone and other devices every day using alcohol-based wipes or sprays with at least 70% alcohol.

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