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Never Try This: Risky Stunt with Pressure Cooker

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Never Try This: Risky Stunt with Pressure Cooker

In this alarming video, a group of men opens a pressure cooker without releasing the pressure, thinking it's all in good fun.

Their laughter echoes in the background, showing their complete oblivion to the risks involved.

However, their carefree attitude quickly turns to shock when steam and liquid erupt violently from the cooker, injuring several of the men standing nearby.



Designed to create a high-pressure environment, pressure cookers can be hazardous if mishandled. When opened suddenly, they release steam and hot contents at an alarming rate, which can lead to explosive reactions. Such reckless behaviour poses a serious threat not just to the individuals involved, but also to anyone nearby.

To prevent accidents, modern pressure cookers are equipped with pressure-release valves and locking systems. It’s vital to understand and adhere to the safety guidelines that come with these appliances.

Avoiding reckless acts, like those seen in the video, is crucial for ensuring safety in the kitchen. Always prioritise caution and respect for the equipment to prevent dangerous situations that can lead to severe injuries.

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