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Woman shares four-word phrase that sends creepy men 'running for the hills'

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This woman's trick to get men to leave her alone isn't for the faint-hearted.

Almost all women unfortunately know the feeling of being catcalled or approached on the street all too well - and most of the time, this attention isn't wanted. It can be uncomfortable and in some cases can even leave women fearing for their safety, as they're not sure what to expect from the stranger who has approached them.

The frequency with which women have these unwanted encounters has led many to post their experiences on social media. Some have even found humorous ways to suggest dealing with the situations, including one woman who went viral for her "unhinged" response to one man who stopped her in the street.

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Shauna Dewit shared a skit on TikTok in which she filmed herself talking to the camera before a man - who could not be seen - stopped her by saying hello. She initially looked nervous and gave an awkward "hello" back, before coming up with a fantastic response on the spot that would get the man to leave her alone.

What's more, all she had to say was four words to make the encounter as weird as possible for the man and send him "running for the hills". She asked him: "You can see me?"

She then repeated the phrase again before putting on a scary cackle and running toward the man, who instantly began running away. Shauna captioned the video by claiming the trick was "really effective" in discouraging men from approaching her and making them stay well away.

Commenters on the video were left in stitches, with many stating that they would have to try the trick out for themselves the next time they were out by themselves and experienced a similar situation.

However, others pointed out how upsetting it is that many women feel they need to "act crazy" to be left alone without fear of violence or aggression, rather than just being able to politely turn down unwanted advances.

One person said: "I just learned a new trick," while another added: "TikTok asked me if this video is appropriate and I said yes. It's useful, educational, and entertaining."

Someone else noted: "How to always scare away a man 101," as a fourth person declared: "New survival tactic unlocked."

But another commenter said: "The fact that they won't back off if we don't start acting crazy."

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