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Wash pillows to get them white again by adding one natural item to the washing machine

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Pillows tend to become discoloured or stained by the end of summer due to increased sweating during the warmer months, but there's a simple solution to restore them to their original condition.

Carrie Higgins, author of Organization Hacks and founder of Making Lemonade, has shared her method for washing pillows, which can harbour bacteria and even mould.

She explained: "I won't go into too much detail, but needless to say pillows are hotbeds of junk collected in the six to eight hours you spend on them every. Single. Night. Multiply that by how many nights you've slept on them and... yeah. Body oils, hair product residue, sweat, drool, dust mites, exfoliated skin... clean 'dat pillow."


Fortunately, you don't need to spend a lot of time or money to whiten dingy pillows. Carrie recommends using simple white vinegar as a stain remover, reports the Express.

Although it may seem unusual, vinegar is a highly effective natural cleaner due to its acidity, which can break down organic stains like sweat, oils, or other residue that can accumulate on pillows.

In addition to removing stains, vinegar is also antibacterial and a deodoriser, eliminating bacteria and unpleasant odours from the fabric. Carrie said: "As dirty and drooly as my pillows were, I didn't need to run ANY of them through a second time, the vinegar...worked like magic."

How to naturally clean pillows and restore their whiteness. To kick things off, take a glance at the pillow's tag to confirm if it can take a spin in your washing machine memory foam is a no-go for laundering.

Get those pillows into the washer without cramming too many in; two at a time is the magic number for this laundry act. Direct your attention next to the fabric softener section of your washing appliance, where 250ml of white vinegar should be poured in, followed by a scoop of detergent.

Carrie swears by All Free and Clear laundry liquid because it steers clear of any scents or dyes. Select the highest water temperature that your pillow's label permits and opt for a gentle cycle.


Post-wash, spin your pillows out in the machine to shed any lingering moisture. Emerging from the wash, your pillows should present as "clean, white and stain-free", but if they're still clinging to spots, run them through once more.

Considering how to give your pillows the Royal drying treatment? Tumble them on a mild heat setting in the dryer and throw in some wool balls to puff them back into shape.

Alternatively, let the sun do its magic outdoors; it's great for whitening and zapping away those tricky stains. Pillows must be bone-dry before their next use to avert any mouldy fiascos or nasty whiffs.

At the end of the process, you'll have pristine pillows primed for a night of dreamy slumber on spotless bedding. In Carrie's words: "Now your pillows will be gorgeous and ready to show off."

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