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Millions around the world register for Park Run - which you can even do on Christmas Day

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The parkrun relies on an army of volunteers every week. They turn out rain, snow, hail or blow to ensure the events take place.

Thanks to their dedication, 10m people are registered, and millions around the world have participated.

It has helped many beginners get into running, provided a Brit Olympic medallist with her path to glory and gives a warm welcome, regardless of ability.

You can do it on Christmas Day (often in fancy dress) or New Year's Day (the perfect hangover cure).

In Australia, you have to be up early to beat the heat, but the fun runners still turn out in force, with some laughs along the way.

In Newcastle upon Tyne, the town moor run has two all-time fastest times, one with a cow in the way, and one without.

That sums up the parkrun; nothing gets in the way of a good time.

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